Each verse (and the bridge) is a scene from the Ithaca, NY area.

Each verse (and the bridge) is a scene from the Ithaca, NY area.
No big deal, just sending the daughter back to college after winter break.
The older I get, the more it all seems like a collection of strobe-lit moments. Do you know what I mean?
A tribute to my annual campout.
Sometimes it’s more important that we talk than what we say.
Thoughts during a meditation retreat. Just because you’re silent doesn’t mean you can’t eat yummy food with your friends.
A credo.
This is about my roots in Woodstock, New York, where natural beauty and proximity to New York City pull in different directions.
A happy ode to sitting still.
A happy a cappella song featuring heavy breathing, chest pounding, and lyrics from the back of a condiment package.